A letter to my niece: The things I wish I’d known when I was 21

When my oldest niece, Chloe, turned 21 it got me thinking about my own journey since this tender age and I decided to use her landmark birthday as a chance to share a few things I wish I’d known at 21 with her. I’m sharing this letter with you because, although you are likely not 21, sometimes hearing about others’ values and journeys can spark a fresh curiosity in life or a new perspective at any age.

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Autumn check-in: How are you using your time?

Autumn is a good time to stop and reflect on your year so far. For me, the timing is particularly poignant as my closest friend Jayne, took her own life this summer. The lessons I’ve learnt over the last nine months during the depth of her despair will stay with me forever.

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